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Team Miroma – The Main Event – Sydney 10km Harbour Bridge Marathon, Sunday 15th Sept 2024

September 16, 2024
The Main Event - Sydney 10km Harbour Bridge Marathon, Sunday 15th Sept 2024

We did it! 10km, in the biting cold gusty wind.

At one point -2km wind then a +2km gust. Some Lebanese drums then medals! Jo you’re a legend. For Adults with Challenges and Abilities – Please donate at:

Go Team Miroma!

Today started at 4.30am but this journey started 26 years ago when James was born. Eva Seymour has been there for James through very difficult times. Many friends have run with me over the years and they have given up their time (and bodies) to spread awareness and raise funds for these young adults. Such a blessing.

Run Day

Up at 4.30am to meet Jo at Sydenham Metro station at dawn. Soo cold. The air was icy without any wind movement. At least there was no rain. Well, first time on the metro to travel the Victoria Cross station near North Sydney Oval, the new start on the run. Sadly, not near Luna Park as it was from the beginning.

Dawn at Sydenham Metro. Numb from the cold.

The travel on the metro was amazing. A train every 4 minutes and 20 minutes travel time. Lots of escalators, clean, modern, a bit space agey, and no graffiti… yet.

Victoria Cross escalators and space tube

So many more people than last year, so we went in waves and sections. It was a bit chaotic as the 10km run and the 42km Marathon are both called Marathons and have the same wave and section numbers. So, we waited in the biting cold, (starting cramp) for our turn as the 42km runner’s waves went. The announcer then started to say any marathon starter put your hand up so we can get you in the course ASAP otherwise after a certain time you will be disqualified! Yes, a few people were seen sprinting the 100m dash to the course.

Finally, after an hour were so happy to move onto the Bridge
At least we covered 2km to get there
Still freezing but at least some sun now on the “coat hanger”.
On to Barangaroo with the Crown Casino ahead.

Yes, the Barangaroo leg was the gustiest part of the route with perfect wind tunnels.

On shore swirling winds making running “interesting”!

Let’s no forget the coastal element of this area of Sydney, very FRESH indeed.

But did get some small brass bands for music, even some Lebanese drummer on the side of the road in The Rocks area, to keep us going.

Lebanese Drummers - thanks for braving the cold!

Finally, after 93 minutes we finished at the Conservatory of Music; not the Opera House as in previous years. Even though it was freezing, we felt we could run forever. (Not really, but it sounds good).

Yay! 10kms done! Now coffee and breakfast.

Walking through the Botanical Gardens we have this café inside a rainforest exhibit.

Very happy runners, food, caffeine and no crowds

Need an Appointment?

If you’d like to book an appointment with the dentist at Seymour Dental then call us in Dulwich Hill, Sydney on (02) 9564 2397 or
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Next week

Thank you from Team Miroma 2024